Hi I am a LLL leader. I recieved a call from a mom of a baby boy born 11
1/2 weeks premature. His bw was 3 lbs 11 oz. She is pumping every 3-4
hours and expressing 6 oz each side. She is very full. She was wondering
about breast pain. It is more noticeable after pumping. She mentioned that
she has to lean over to pump.  Another concern was the nurses are giving
baby a pacifier and she does not want baby to have one. Baby is being fed
mom's milk. She was allowed to check for rooting reflex. Baby latched on
well. Baby is not allowed to nurse because it is too much work for him at
this time. Every time she holds baby, he roots at her shirt. She estimates
that baby should be home by early May.

1. Should I suggest that she pump more often? She mentioned that if she
leans over without a bra on she can hit the wall with her spray. At night,
she has to wear double pads to try to contain wetness. She is leaking a lot.

2. Can she request no pacifier?

3. She is staying at the hospital.

LLL leader in South San Francisco