The article is not perfect, but it has its high points.  Bits are quoted
below (with full reference):

 {Copyright  1996  Scottish Daily Record & Sunday Mail Ltd.,Feb  25, 1996,

Breast feeding is the best nourishment for babies

BYLINE: Dr Tom Smith

    We are what we eat ...and what we are fed in the first 12 months will shape
us for the rest of our lives.

    The saying "breast is best" has been around for years, but it is only
recently that we have had proof that breast feeding beats everything else.

    The bad news is that Scots mums are near the foot of the table for breast
feeding - only one in three actually tries to  breast feed  and even fewer stick
with it for more than a week or two.

    There are all kinds of excuses for not breast feeding, from fear of losing
their figure, objections from their partners, to plain laziness - some mums say
bottle feeding is more convenient.

    Some of these myths need to be shot down - now!

...As for the men in their lives moaning, the baby's needs are far more
important than any male objections.

    It is about time men were dragged into this century. Such ill-informed
attitudes are 200 hundred years behind the times!

    The truth is that breast feeding is far MORE convenient than the bottle -
for a start, you don't need to spend time preparing the feeds and
the bottles.

    The only hassle comes from outdated objections to breast feeding in public.

...{article continues}...

Arly Helm                                       [log in to unmask]
(MS, Nutrition & Food Sciences, CLE, IBCLC; LC for IHC)