
      I suggest Allison H's thesis paper on tongue tie for both a good
overview of where we are and how we got here as well as an intro to the many
implicaitons of tongue tie...

     From her analysis the move away in part eas due to some over zealousness
that lead to death...cutting too much or incorrectly...the pendulum affect...

     As medicine has divercified the md. who is knowedgeable about either
dental issues or speech concerns is not the primary care phy... the prim care
is not aware that there can be dental prbs or speech prob and when the occur
he refers out... Many dentists are very aware that the tongue is responsible
for cleaning and if the tongue can not move, it can not clean... the
secondary problem for us is that the dentists are not willing to venture into
the mouth of an infant... think nothing of clipping an older child.
periodontists fall also into this cat.

     The people who will clip when speech is an issue are also hesitant to
touch an infant...

     The recent post re the ent resident is classic... he knows.. the
incredible is that he would handle an infant... ent's may infact be our best
source for clipping.

      I believe that tongue tongue often is hereditary. Worked with a baby
recently whose mother was clipped TWICE! once as an infant... tied to the
floor. could not feed at all. her mom was there when I saw them. She then was
re-clipped at age 20... said she could not kiss! She too talked about the
experiece of having the tongue so tired as to not want to eat or talk.....
