I had experience with a mom who had lots of trouble getting pregnant with
her first child.  However, with all of her children,  she had problems with
lactogenesis.  Once milk production started,  there was no problem with
supply.  The first two times she had to pump, pump, pump, and finger feed
for a while.  The third time, she didnt even have any sensation of her milk
coming in despite a very awake and well-latched newborn.  She took
metocloprimide, and within 12 hours, lactogenesis happened.   It was
amazing.  She did NOT need the drug to maintain a supply, just to stimulate
milk production initially. She took the drug for less than a week.  There
was no decrease in her supply when she stopped taking the  drug.  She had no
side effects.  Is the correct term for initial milk production lactogenesis,
or is it galactogenesis?????  Anyway, this mom went through hoops with her
first two kids in order to get her body to finally respond and make milk..
The third time was so different using Reglan.  The baby was 9 or 10 days old
when she started the drug so we gave her body plenty of time to come around
on it's own.  Believe me, she shed plenty of tears over her bad luck the
third time around despite her significant knowledge of BFing, a baby who did
everything right, lots of LC and pediatrician support.  Her heart broke
during the initial weight checks,  when she was having serious feelings of
deja vu.  Reglan was like a miracle for her!  We have no doubt that whatever
is at the root of her infertility is also at the root of her lactogenesis
problem.  Something hormonal; who knows what.

Regards, Debbie, RN, LLLL
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