Timely discussion!  I just received a packet today from UNICEF.
They are now ready to start the process!!!  They are ready to come
and do assessments.  I am so excited.  The packet also had specific
criteria that must be met.  My hospital meets many of them, but the
one we are still having a problem with is the one that requires
that we buy our own formula.  How am I ever going to convince the
hospital to give up freebies and start paying for it.  If anyone
out there has done this PLEASE tell me how and what you did!!  I
don't want this single step to prevent us from receiving the

Jeffrey S. Fouche, RN, BSN
Assistant Director of Maternal/Child Services and Breastfeeding Educator
COLUMBIA Barrow Medical Center
http://members.gnn.com/jsfouche/breastfeeding.html   E_Mail: [log in to unmask]
Dad to Tanner 06-28-95    "Affordable healthcare begins with breastfeeding."