Regarding pre and post-feed weighing and Nancy's thoughts on whether women can
yield high fat letdowns under the stress of knowing their output is going to
be measured...Its sort of like suggesting a study where the amount of
ejaculate would be measured after sex; one wonders if the average male
wouldn't have some performance anxiety that would interfere with the quality
of the experience.  Oh, my, am I getting too weird, folks?  I think Nancy's
point may be well taken.

I recall touring a Vermont dairy farm a few years ago.  The farmer stressed
repeatedly that "nervous high-strung cows" give more milk...He didn't discuss
the fat content of their milk though and I didn't ask that, or what criteria
he used to evaluate their personality traits.
I returned from that trip with a T shirt reading "10,000 cows can't be wrong".
 It referred to living in Vermont, of course, but I chose to believe it meant
that cows breastfeed their young, and obviously know that's best...reading
some recent posts on cow calfs and bottles, I guess the cows may know what's
best for their babies, but apparently the farmers disagree.

Joyce Blangiardo RN, FACCE, IBCLC, in sunny NY where the crocus are coming up!