Only the material pertaining to breastfeeding has been quoted; the rest has
been deleted.


BYLINE: Ted Saylor.

   Pritchett School 3rd graders got a chance last week to walk away from their
normal classroom lessons on the human body and explore such issues as disease
research and the benefits of breast-feeding with real medical professionals as
part of the school's health fair.

   Twelve medical professionals, ranging from a registered dietitian to a
pediatrician, held mini-seminars for the 3rd-grade pupils who wandered from room
to room Wednesday for the annual event held in conjunction with the pupils'
study of anatomy and body functions.

...[text deleted here]...

   Registered nurse Gail Macklin, a lactation consultant, spoke to the small
groups of children about the health benefits to mothers and babies of
breast-feeding. Macklin did not describe or demonstrate breast-feeding.

   "Our bodies are such fabulous machines; we make the best milk for babies,"
Macklin said. Studies have proved that babies who  breast-feed  stay healthier
and that their mothers have a substantially reduced chance of developing breast
cancer, she said.

   "What if a baby does not want to  breast-feed? " asked 9-year-old Nancy
Kazarinova. "My mother says I didn't want to be breast-fed."

   Macklin said breast-feeding is a natural act for a baby, so if an infant
refuses to do it, the mother's technique may be wrong.

   "People should  breast-feed  babies as long as they can," said 8-year-old
Rebecca Marton about what she learned from Macklin's mini-class. "It is better
for your mommy."

   The health fair gave the children a chance to question a variety of other
medical professionals, including an anesthesiologist, a chiropractor, a
respiratory therapist, a paramedic and registered nurses. Third-grade teacher
Terri Bufe said the health fair was the culmination of the pupils' study of the
body and gave them an opportunity to meet the professionals who help keep the
human machine running.

              Copyright  1996  Chicago Tribune Company
                           February  5,  1996  Monday

Arly Helm                                       [log in to unmask]
(MS, Nutrition & Food Sciences, CLE, IBCLC; LC for IHC)