Someone posted:
I see a lot of babies with tongue-tie (probably 4 since Christmas).  Often,
if there is any range of motion of tongue (i.e. it stretches to bottom lip
line) creative positioning will assist things.  If the baby can be latched
with the chin cocked so it 'shovels' under the breast and really digs in, the
tongue and jaw closure can be located over lactiferous sinuses and off the
nipple.  This helps both pain and intake.  This position looks 'wrong' cause
the nose is so backed off the breast, but with mom holding the weight of
breast off baby's chin, it can work.

I find it can work without worrying about the weight, and that the baby's
nose never needs to be near the breast at any time unless his mother's
breasts are so large and he is so small that this is inevitable. On the
other hand, if the chin isn't driving firmly against the breast when teh
baby is small, the likelihood of squashed and sore nipples is very high.
Chins (being connected to jaws) matter to feeding, noses don't.

Green milk: from my post in january sometime:
in resting breast fluid of non-lactating women, this was
associated with cholesterol epoxides in the only study I know of that
looked at colour of such fluid. In the case seen, was this lots of milk,all
green or just  one nipple duct/pore that green could be expressed from? I'd
suspect different causes in the two cases: some natural or synthetic
dyestuff, possibly blue or green in the first. (For orange milk, both
carrots and artificial tanning creams can do the trick.) How much animal
meat and fat in the diet? Enough to have huge quantities of cholesterol
by-products? Grey-green or deep olive green is common/"normal" in cysts in
western women, but a lactating breast usually produces enough milk to
dilute such colours. I suppose one small cyst near to the nipple could be
out of communication with the rest of the ductal system if you're seeing
one green ductal product and the rest milk. After lactation all bets are
off, especially for smokers: horrid dark colours in resting breast fluid.
The breast is an excretory (as well as secretory) organ, after all.

Does this women have lots of fat in her diet, Toby? Body mass index?
exposure to fat-soluble products?