Hello friends-As is often the case, I have been too busy to visit the Lactnet
much!  Kind of a catch-22 sometimes.....
I am searching for recent references on induced lactation (as opposed to
relactation). I have, of course, the material from Lawrence and Auerbach
books, but have not turned up any material in the last few years.  Anybody
have some recent stuff?  Particularly in reference to the use of drugs in
induced lactation, for an adopting mother.  I would appreciate your input.  I
have missed some mail-my computer got a virus my virus program didn't
recognize-we had a BIG crash & burn, so to speak.  Now up and running again.
Hello to all - wish I had more time to sit and read : )
You may respond to me privately if you wish. Thanks!

Denise Mollenkopf RNC, IBCLC