Ros (or anyone...)
Iwonder if you have any information about the estrogen content of soy
milk?  We have a 16 month old toddler who has been drinking soy milk
(this is a "soy milk beverage" and NOT a soy "formula" though I am
not sure of the difference) since about one year of age
(also breastfed until about 15 months).
This soy milk is made up of:
Purified water
 Organic Soybeans
cereal extract
Kombu (seaweed)
Job's Tears
 Organic Barley
 Lima Sea Salt
Vitamin E
 Beta Carotene
 Vitamin D2
Vitamin B12
The baby takes about 4-8oz. per day.
 Would you have any cautions for us with this?

Also, you mentioned you "had read that the estrogen in soy formula is
equivalent to the baby..."
Can you share where you read this?