Dear Gisele (and interested others),

Betty Crase, Manager of LLLI's Center for Breastfeeding Information, shared
an article on chylothorax and breastfeeding that appeared in the Sept. 23,
1995 issue of the Birmingham News (newspaper in Birmingham, Alabama, USA).
  This was a report of a nurse who centrifuged  breast milk from the mother
of a baby who developed chylothorax after receiving a heart transplant.  The
skim milk was then supplemented with medium-chain triglycerides and fed to
the baby.  This appeared to be a temporary condition, and the health care
professionals involved hoped the baby would be able to take regular breast
milk by the time he went home from the hospital.

You can obtain a copy of this article from your Local Professional Liaison
Leader who can get it through the PL network.

Thanks to the LLLLs who forwarded this material to Betty.  The CBI had very
little to offer on breastfeeding a baby with chylothorax before this article
was published.

Marty O'Donnell      [log in to unmask]
US Western Division, LLL
Professional Liaison Resource Advisor