For those who may have been wondering about my requests for various job
descriptions - they are not all for me!

The Government has begun circulating a draft policy document.  Some fairly
ambitious goals have been set with the document being a bit thin on how these
are going to be achieved.

We are encouraging those involved in the protection, promotion & support of
bf to make as much constructive comment as possible.  Hence my interest in
what is happening in other countries.

I would appreciate it if anyone has examples of *motivations* for any jobs to
do with bf support e.g. hospital LCs, community "peer" training, in-service
programmes etc.  I am also interested in the function of "BF Task Forces".

We should have a few weeks to comment, so both email and snail mail would be

Lynn Enraght-Moony                                 [log in to unmask]
Phone: +27 11 782-4100                         Fax: +27 11 888-1086
Snail: P O Box 222, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2006, SOUTH AFRICA