While I am at it I would like to know what the protocol is for vitaminK
administration for Breasfed babies in your different settings. Here in France
there is a growing trend  saying that bf babies must be supplemented weekly with
vitk for as long as they are  breasfed exclusiveley . Of course most of the
doctors who have decided this have no idea that a baby should be exclusively
breastfed for 6 months! I would like to know if this protocol is advocated
elsewhere .

I would just like to add a little anecdote which may interest some of you . I
saw a program on wolves on TV a few days ago ,and they were discussing how
mankind had made  dogs out of wolves over the evolution . It seems that this
happened a very long time ago and that they would have had to take very young
pups to domesticate them ,but how were those pups fed ? At the time men had no
other domestic animals, so it seems that the first substitute milk used on earth
was  women's milk for litle animals. They showed some tribes in remote areas
where women  nurse litlle puppies and piglets as a proof of their theory!!

Gisele Laviolle LLLL, IBCLC