On Wed, 13 Mar 1996, Susan W. Cobey wrote:
> Several Beekeepers have asked me where to get NWC Queens.  Those of you
> using these- please let me know how you like them. I love to hear the
> compliments and learn from the complaints.
> New World Carniolan Program
> The New World Carniolan is a highly productive, gentle and winter hardy
> stock selected for traditional Carniolan characteristics.  Our program
> includes selection for reduced susceptibility to disease and tracheal
> mites
 Hi Sue , I'm glad you made it on the list.There were positive comments
about the New World Carniolans back in Nov. We were talking about Queen
problems.This queen problem is more complex than the genetics. I have
looked over some of my notes , after you told me about the meeting ing
Portland Or.ABF.
 If we would only use the cells that the workers seem to cluster on ,when
they are finishing them. Would that give us stronger queens?