Sorry folks I don't seem to have as much time as I used to.

Regarding Children nursing toys:
All my kids nursed their toys-- dolls, bears: whatever looked like it could
eat.  My son quickly realized that boys (men) don't make milk - no breasts-
and asked me to give *mamma mook* to his teddy bear. I have such fond
memories. Thanks for reminding us.

Regarding the quadruplet cows:
The news story I saw said the mother wasn't producing enough milk so they
were getting colostrum from the local dairy. Obviously mom wasn't a dairy
cow. They  have been over bred to produce huge quantities of milk. I grew up
near dairy farms and the farmers didn't bred the low producers. (FYI--Did you
know that if cows aren't fed colostrum for the first 5 days they can die from
intestinal blockage?  I love that fact--I use it in my classes when I talk
about the importance of colostrum.)

Regarding the thrush that responded to antibiotics:
Maybe one of our MD's can comment but I remember learning somewhere that
staph aureaus causes the skin to peel. (Toxic shock comes to mind) Thrush
excoriates the skin--kinda dries it out and errods the top layers. The skin
looks dry and scaley but it doesn't really look like peeling skin (like after
a bad sunburn) With Staph the skin can peel off in sheets. I have seen the
hands peel like this in septic patients.

I have a mom now who has the worst case of thrush I've ever seen. Her nipples
are so swollen and bright pink. She has been pumping because everytime the
baby nurses the nipples open up in the center of the nipple face (the crack
is star shaped) no sucking problems in the baby.  WE have treated her and the
baby for thrush for 33 days now with no responce.  The baby has no visable
signs. Mom had a *Skin yeast infection* on her thigh in pregnancy. The OB did
a wet mount of nipple scrapings (ouch) last week and it was full of yeast.
She started on Nizoral last week--no relief.  I have referred her to
dermatology. Anyone have any other ideas?

Marie Davis