Couldn't resist coming out of the lurk for this one--since the above named
ABM is no longer going to be produced, does this mean these elephants will
starve??  Perhaps they found that the publicity of feeding their products did
not outweigh the cost??  Could another ABM pick up the slack and they they,
too, can go out of business??  Could we be on to something here?  I can see
it now: "Human Babies Forced to Drink (their own) Mothers' milk Because
Infant Formula in Short Supply Due to Elephant Glut" followed next year by
"Pediatricians Moaning Loss of Formula Cos.--say infants are too healthy and
cutting into Profits"  I know--this is what staying up too late on a Wed. can
do.   Sorry

Sue Leisner, RD, IBCLC
Sick of snow in Buffalo