I am not defending the right of a school to tell a teacher she may not pump
( I HATE THAT SORT OF THING and would fight it tooth and nail...)..

BUT,...she may want to know that she can pump without a plug....by getting a
battery adaptor...that she can rent where she got the pump. If not, have her
call Medela directly at 1800 TELL YOU for a place to get this valuable piece
of equipment.

In the meanwhile, hope Liz helps you. We find that people listen when you
are sooooo nice and reasonable and full of information to educate .....THOSE

Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLLeader, co-owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L
LACTNET WWW site: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html
Personal WWW page: http://www.together.net/~kbruce/kbbhome.html