---------FOWARDED MESSAGE-------------------------

>Date: Thu, 29 Feb 96 14:31:01 EST
>From: "Lydia Bickford" <[log in to unmask]>
>Encoding: 39 Text
>Return-Receipt-To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Thanks, here's what I need
>     Everyone-You're terrific.  Requests to participate are
>     pouring in!  Thank you so much.
>        I'm going tolist what i need and why.  If you've
>     already done some of it, don't worry.  I have printed
>     out the messages.
>        The Clinton administration is asking its women
>     political appointees to ask women around the country
>     what's on their minds.  It can be
>     issues/concerns/furies/good/bad/et.al.  I will need
>     your full name and mailing address so they can send you
>     a thank you note.  This list is NOT being sold, given
>     away,...Please describe yourself briefly, I like to do
>     a quick demographic description in my report.  Then
>     tell me what you want the top Clinton people to know.
>     I wwrite reports and take them to my contacts at the
>     White House women's office.  They, in turn, meet with
>     the guys at the top.  If you have personal experiences,
>     anecdotal info., that's great.  It can be as long or as
>     short as you like.  It will take me a while to get this
>     all done, but I will.  There is no time limit on this
>     project, so we'll just keep going.  Please share this
>     message/the project with any women you think might be
>     interested.  Any woman is free to express her views,
>     she just needs access to internet.
>        My internet address is:
>                [log in to unmask]
>        Please let me know what version of word perfect (or
>     if it's a Mac, I have one at home). you're using.  I
>     have been getting some messages in code, which I
>     haven't yet cracked.
>        Thank you for taking your time to do this.  I want
>     to inundate the White House with reports.  Let's keep
>     this rolling.  I truly appreciate this and think it's
>     an important project.  Take care, I look forward to
>     your responses.
>                        Lydia B. Bickford
>----------------END OF FOWARDED MESSAGE-------------------