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Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 12:16:38 -0500
From: [log in to unmask]
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Subject: MIME import error #-5
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(Sorry, my new software has a mind of its own!)
I would urge every historical archaeologist out there to read the new SAA Newsle
tter article by Kurt Carr, Pa. State Arcaheologist.
Recent events in Pennsylvania (legislative changes toward state mandated CRM sur
veys and new survey guidelines by the Bureau for Historic Preservation) seriousl
y threaten the historical archaeological record in Pennsylvania.
The BHP has written off entire areas of the state based on a prehistoric archaeo
logical predictive model.  This means, in a nutshell, that projects requiring st
ate environmental permits within these areas (watersheds) will not be responsibl
e for impacts to unidentified historical archaeological resources.
If the folks in Harrisburg don't drop their prehistoric bias and start dealing w
ith ALL archaeological resources on an even playing field, the long term consequ
ences will be devastating.  Despite the assurances by the SHPO, Brent Glass, in
a December 1995 letter to me that,
"Determinations of Eligibility and recommendations for mitigation reviewed or ma
de in this office are not based on the personal research agendas of my staff.  R
ather, they are  based on the potential of the resource in question to provide i
mportant information on past human behavior."
Bulls**t.  Anyone who works (or has worked) in Pa. and with BHP archaeologists k
nows the reality of the situation and can see right through Glass' comments.  Th
e situation right now, on the legislative front, is hopeless because the funding
 and regulations have been signed into law.  It's not too late, however, to put
some pressure on our archaeological colleagues in Harrisburg to change their app
roach and embrace all of the archaeological record, not just the "interesting" d
eeply buried prehistoric sites.
David S. Rotenstein
Historical Solutions
EMAIL: [log in to unmask]
WWW: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~drotenst/