Kathleen and others,

There should certainly be no flames for this long-suffering mum. Perhaps a
medal would be more in order. Anyway, to my 2 cents' worth...

I have a friend who is an IBCLC and NMAA Counsellor who quite often sees
babies with high arched palates, and has a lot of success with the silicone
nipple shields in these cases. I know there are lots of potential problems
associated with nipple shields, but they are better than total weaning. I
assume that the extra layer of the shield helps fill in the gap of the high
palate, so baby gets a better seal, more easily than trying to exaggerate
the gape. Or perhaps it helps stop the nipple tip slipping up into the
arch. Anyway, it might be worth a try.

I also understand it is quite possible to have deep breast pain that is
being referred from nipple damage - it doesn't always have to be thrush.

Just my thoughts for this mum if the only alternative is weaning.

Joy Anderson IBCLC, NMAA Breastfeeding Counsellor
Perth, Western Australia