Hello from very sunny Adelaide Australia. Just a quick intro:)
I'm Jill Bruce R.N. R.M. IBCLC working via a grant to provide BF support to
women from various G.P. surgerys in our southern area. It's a great job with
many rewards and challenges. It seems the world is really very small with
regard to educating other HCP's about BF. We have similar "problems"
to everyone else on the Lactnet!
Just a reply and Q to Debby in Disneyworld:)
We use Diflucan quite a lot mostly as 150mg stat dose. In a difficult case
we suggested daily dose for 5 days which was very effective, but very
expensive for the mother.It cost $30 a capsule here and about 2/3rds less if
you have private health cover.However if you have A.I.D.S it's free. My Q is
what is the cost in U.S.A. and do you use stat dose or pulse dose ?
Apparently there is no evidence of toxic levels in the literature.My
experience tells me it does seem to be more effective taking it over a week,
so how do you guys get around the cost factor ?
The Lactnet is great but addictive !!!!