
How curious that in a program on the "human animal" and specifically on
lactation that this producer is looking for information on a "breast sling" for
folks who can't breastfeed. In a way that seems about like doing a show on
pregnancy and featuring that weighted suit designed for men to feel what being
pregnant is REALLY like!

Hopefully she is using this in the context that breastfeeding is so
important--for the process as well as the product--that folks are looking for
ways to imitate the real thing when the real thing isn't an option.

The pessimist in me, however, wonders if this isn't more a case of looking for
something sensational (as if the "normal" workings of the human breast is NOT
sensational!!). I remember helping at a baby fair a few years ago and as part of
the display we had an SNS (Supplemental Nursing System) out. It generated more
interest than any other item or topic. While I think there is value in the
public seeing these solutions to difficult problems, I think we might do better
to concentrate on making sure the general public knows and appreciates what the
breast can do--what it is SUPPOSED to do, and save the specialty items for the
folks who really need them--and who will know to seek help from LCs etc because
they understand WHY it is so important in the first place!

I'd love to know when this series will air. Perhaps she would be open to input
about more than just breast slings?

The air is getting thin on this soap box....

Melissa Vickers, IBCLC
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