>  A suggestion to Allen, and others, who have  insulting and
>  abusive stuff
> thrown.  Don't respond, if it's not worthy of response, because it
> will go on into more cycles of abuse, and waste a lot of group time.
Thanks Dave and the many others who have been so supportive while I
have stayed silent.
I just thought I'd say something since I accidently released a blank
message to the list this morning - you all probably saw it, and it
illustrated how sometimes these things happen.
On my reader, sometimes I go to respond, then realise that what I
have to say is not right on the money, or I have to go and get more
info, or someone else will probably answer it better - and I decide
to delete.
Unfortunately the 'delete' button is right next the 'send' button,
and early in the morning, or late at night, I make the occasional
mistake.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who does that.
Sometimes I write things I don't really intend to post, or set up to
forward something and get the wrong address.  On Pegasus, it is easy
to do. If you don't read all the headers carefully, you can goof.
And if you post a lot, you'll sooner or later screw up.  If the
readers lack a sense of humour on that day, all hell can break loose.
If a smart guy like me makes mistakes, then imagine the trouble
ordinary mortals face!  (This is intended as a self-deprecating joke,
so please no flames from the (temporarily) humour impaired).
Anyhow, I don't usually regard people who flame me as 'nuts'.  I
think thay are just angry and maybe temporarily a little short on
control and manners.  Maybe they wrote the flame to relieve the
pressure and intended to delete it, but hit the wrong button.  I
prefer to think so.  It makes me happier, even if it is perhaps
sometimes self-deception.
>  Don't feel obligated to defend yourself.   Most of us know who has
> done his or her homework, and will forgive differences of opinion.
This I very much appreciate, and you'll notice that I didn't post
after the flame was received, except to write as neutral an
explanation of the original post as I could.  I found that most
agreed to some extent with the rationale - even the original
dissident (after he cooled a bit) who pointed out that he does not
claim to be a chicken farmer.
> Maybe the nuts will go away.
Well, actually, I haven't really encountered any nuts here.  I've
met some people who claimed not to like me or my posts.  In any
group of 500+ people, there will be some that do not like me.
That's okay with me.  It's healthy.  Keeps me from getting a swelled
Besides usually these passions are temporary, and I have many net
friends that on first meeting had a strong reaction.
*All* of the people who have flamed this list have gone on to make
valuable posts - and not repeated the offence after finding out that
it is counterproductive.
This is a new medium, and misunderstandings are common because droll
or good humoured teasing and jests come across flat and hard, unless
smilies are attached, and that seems to many to be a little phoney.
Anyhow, I guess that what I'm trying to say here is that flaming is a
behavior, not a mark of a'nut' unless often repeated.  So my policy
is to keep down, write secret replies that I shred, make a pleasant
public face, and try to respect everyone's opinion.
I hope that everyone keeps contributing, and that we can all find the
'delete' button when we are overcome with passion or tiredness.
And if some of us don't, please everyone, do use yours.