> Does anyone know if it is permissable to use radiation sterilization to
> sterilize AFB infected equipment?  This is used quite successfully in the
> drug and device industry and you can acheive some pretty high Fo's (log
> reductions of bacti populations overtime.
> It is unlike ethylene oxide sterilization where the temperatures and
> penetration of the sterilizing gas may damage the equipment or not penetrate
> to kill the bacteria.
Technically both radiation and ethylene oxide would be doable.  The size of
the equipment, volume to be treated at any one time, and cost of other options
would most likely make them uneconomical.  Both radiation and ethylene oxide
have many regulatory restrictions as well as equipment demands.  For even
a large operation it would not likely be economical.
Jay H. Jones                            BITNET: jonesj@ulvacs
Assoc. Prof. Biology and Biochemistry   Internet: [log in to unmask]
Biology Dept.
University of La Verne                  909 593-3511 x4040 office
La Verne, CA  91750                     909 593-3511 x4604 lab