Hi Keith,
The "standard" price around here (NW Washington State) seems to be about $30.00
for 3lbs and a queen if they're picked up, or $45.00 for the same if they're
mailed to you.
Our bees come from northern California.  There are no suppliers here because
it's too cold.  You should avoid bees that are shipped a long distance; this
is very hard on them.
Kris Bruland
At 09:14 PM 2/26/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Could I get some replies on the cost of a 3 lbs, replacement bee package
>A supplier in Wausau, WI is asking $37.00 per package.
>It would be great help to see what the cost is elsewhere in the U.S. so I
>can see if
>I'm getting a fair competative price.  Any Replies would be helpfull.
>Thank you.