James :
A study done by Martha Gilliam and Robert Argauer in 1975 (ABJ 115 : 230-234)
reported that Terramycin in extender patties is stable at brood nest
temperatures for at least 11 weeks.  I'm not sure if 1/2 a patty is
enough of a treatment though.  Someone else might be able to answer that.
Adony Melathopoulos
Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, British Columbia
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On Fri, 23 Feb 1996, James C. King wrote:
> Hi.  Last fall I treated my 140 colonies with extender patties for tracheal
> mite and AFB control.  I am noticing that many colonies now have about half
> the pattie remaining, but I'm not sure if this terramycin is still active.
> Should I remove the residue and treat again, or will the residue be
> effective thru early spring?
> Does anyone have knowledge or an opinion regarding terramycin stability to
> help with the above question?  Thank you.
> Jim King, Riegelsville, PA