I received a call from a mom I worked with months ago who is also a RN CLE.
Her 6 mo old daughter is now on a respirator in a pedi icu unit with botulism
toxins raging in her system.  She has been on the respirator for 9 days now.
The signs and symptoms came on over the course of 1 day.  Interestingly, the
MD treating this baby in the unit told her that it's a good thing she was
nursing as the cases he has seen with bf babies appear to have a slower
course as compared to the abm fed babies who  appeared to have quicker s/s
and look like a SIDS when on autopsy, have found to have botulism.

Apparently this  is Type A botulism which is airborne.  Perhaps released in
the earth when earthquakes occur and stir things up.  (This is all so new to
me, I knew of the honey connection only.)  The mother is optomistic as the
MD's expect a full recovery as soon as the toxims leave her body.
Since hospitalization, this mom was pumping every 4 hours during the day and
sleeping a 8-9 hr. stretch at nite.  She is noticing a decrease in her
production.  The baby may be on the resp. for 4 to 6 weeks.I have suggested
she increase her pumping to every 2 to 3 during the day with a 5 hr stretch
of sleep at nite.  She is receptive to the increase in freq. as an attempt to
keep her supply up.
I am receptive and greatful for any suggestions or words of wisdom you may be
able to share with me that I may be able to pass on to her. She does not have
a computer so I told her I would post.
And as Becky said,  I also think it's quite special  to talk with 800 of
you!!! Thanks!

Elisa Hirsch, RN,IBCLC
Westlake VIllage, CA