Coach Smith here again - responding to Diane Karnbach.

Be cautious about mentioning the article on exercise changes in human milk,
as the first study was not well done. (babies rejected the dropper-fed
after-exercise milk. They didn't measure babies reaction to the BREAST
afterward, only the dropper-fed milk.)  Exercise is a normal part of most
women's lives, and the milk taste changes anyway because of mom's diet, etc.
 Many mothers perform heavy manual labor as part of their normal lives and
breastfeed just fine, probably better than some sedentary types in western
cultures.  Subsequent articles debunked the first one, but the first one
(suggesting babies rejected post-expercise milk because of the lactic acid in
it) got lots of publicity and the ABM companies probably laughed about it all
the way to the bank.

Hmmm.... if exercise affects the quality of milk (WHICH IT DOES NOT - DO NOT
QUOTE THIS!!), I wonder what exercise does to the quality of men's white
fluid? If lactic acid supposedly contaminates women's white fluid, perhaps
football players need to stop having sex because their sperm might be
contaminated with lactic acid. (etc. etc.)

Linda Smith, supporter of other jock moms like myself. Enjoy running while
you still have working knees, gals!  Wear a good jog bra for comfort if you
bounce. Avoid racing dives if you're a swimmer - may cause plugged ducts at
12:00 position. Trust me on this.