Kris,  I have had doctors tell me strange things about how I would harm my
health or the health of the toddler because of long term nursing.  I have
also had to help mothers in this situation.  I have never heard of any
connection between lactation ammenohrea and any kind of cancer-uterine or
other wise.  I suggest you do what I have done-next time it comes up have
the mother tell the doctor that she is very interested and would like to
know where she can obtain this informaton so she can read more about it.
Chances are there isn't ant such information.  And if there is, at least
youa and she can make some educated decisions about the validity and
creadibility of the information.

(I was told that nursing my 2 year old daughter while pregnant with my
second child would cause her to have vaginal bleeding from the placental
hormones!  Well, she did have vaginal bleeding all right-when she was 13
years old and hadn't nursed for a LONG time!)   Nancy Sherwood  IBCLC Perth,