To my knowledge, there has not been any "new
study". There is some good evidence that breastfeeding reduces the
risks of
premenopausal breast cancer, and that the effect is dose-related.
However, premenopausal breast cancer is a rarer form, and the jury is
still out on the preventative effect of bf on post-menopausal breast
cancer. Many reasons for this: studies are of varying quality, very few
women breastfed a generation ago (a cancer takes 20-30 years to develop,
a very long incubation period complicating the design of any study) the
definition of bf varies (some bm,
only bm ?), etc... For these reasons, epidemiologists are reluctant to
draw any conclusion, and will conclude... that the studies are still
inconclusive. Maybe another study ? (What's your conclusion?)

Louise Denhez, M.D., M.P.H
Chargee d'enseignement clinique
Departement de medecine sociale et preventive