Cautions in pregnancy from Penelope Ody's book: Home Herbal p.126

"In the first 3 months, avoid medication and do not use the following
herbs at all during pregnancy: arbor vitae, barberry, basil oil, black
cohosh, blue cohosh, chamomile oil, Dang Gui, feverfew, goldenseal,
greater calendine, juniper, lady's mantle, mistletoe, motherwort,
mugwort, myrrh, pennyroyal, pokeroot, rue, shepherd's purse,
southernwood, tansy, and wormwood.  Do not take large or therapeutic
doses of the following during pregnancy: angelica, bitter orange,
cayenne, celery seed, cinnamon, cowslip, elder bark, fennel, fenugreek,
ginseng, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, parsley, rhubarb root, senna, sage,
tea, thyme, vervain, wild yam, wood betony, and yarrow."