From: coleb                Mon Feb 19, 1996 -- 04:21:12 PM
To: [log in to unmask]@
Just to clarify myself from the other day . . .  I do not feel that the mom I
had posted about (on the Magnesium Sulfate(mag) for high blood pressures and
hyper-reflexes should have been pumped while she was unstable.  Rather, she
must have been relatively stable the last 5 or 6 hours on the mag or they
would never have taken her off.  And if, during those last few hours, pumping
would have made her become unstable again, she probably shouldn't come off
the drip.  Doesn't that make sense?  As it was, she was brought to
post-partum minutes after the mag was discontinued, was given the baby to
nurse within two hours, and was gotten out of bed to the bathroom within
three hours.  You are right, Pardee, this is walking the political/clinical
tightrope.  There has to be a middle ground between ICU critical and
wellness.  Where is that?  I wish somebody had guidelines in your OB unit for
