Hi all,

It occurred to me that perhaps we aren't playing fair when we ask the ABM
companies to list the risks of infant formula and don't ask them to list the
benefits.  And perhaps, we need to be listing the benefits of infant formula
when we list the benefits of breastfeeding.  So, last night, having nothing
better to do, I decided to forthwith list as many benefits of formula feeding
as I could.  I'm sure you all can add to the list.  Any takers?


1.      Always the same flavor;  the same taste, day after day, feed after feed,
for infant for first 12 months of his life.  No surprises here!

2.      Always the same consistency, formula is the same from the beginning of the
feed to the end of the feed.

3.      About that consistency.... formula doesn't change with the age of the baby
either.  The formula you feed your newborn at six pounds is the same as the
formula you feed your 6 month old at 14 pounds and your one year old at 20

4.      You can always tell just how much the baby has taken, and sometimes you
can get him to take just a bit more to make sure he sleeps a really long
period of time so you can get more important things done, like laundry,
dishes, and vacuuming.

5.      Many people can totally care for your infant.  There's no necessity for
him to be especially attached to his mother.

6.      Never any wonder whether or not he has a poopy diaper.  You can tell
immediately.  (So can everyone else).

7.      The formula spit up & spills turn clothes a lovely shade of creamy brown.

8.      If you have to dump some formula because it has gone bad, don't worry;
there is plenty more at the grocery store, and most stores are open 24 hours
a day so running out at 2:00 in the morning shouldn't be a problem.

9.      Any constipation that results from formula feeding can be taken care of by
a little prune juice, karo syrup, or a glycerine suppository.

10.     The antibiotics on the market are wonderful for treating ear infections
and upper respiratory infections; two diseases formula fed babies are prone
to get.  If you have insurance with co-pay, they probably won't cost more
than $7 - $10 a prescription.

11.  And if the baby gets sick from a GI infection -- diarrhea (another minor
illness common to formula feeding) not to worry; pedialyte will save the day.

12.     If there is a manufacturing error, you may be able to sue the infant
formula companies for lots of money — perhaps even enough to send him to
college.  (Assuming, of course, the manufacturing error hasn't caused brain
damage like the Neo-Mulchoy fiasco of the late 70's).

13.  The money spent on formula alone isn't much -- around $1200 per year or
so.  But then, who needs a new refrigerator anyway?

Jan B.