Hi All,
It is garbage like this that caused me to finally cancel my subscription.
When asked why I was cancelling, I told them that I was tired of seeing the
inaccurate BF information that they routinely put in their Magazine.  The rep
was very surprised.  He said that they always tried to put in the correct
info.  I told him they needed to try harder.  He got very defensive and told
me that I must not know much about BF because all their info was accurate and
up to date.  <Grin>  Then I told him what I do for a living and who I talk to
all the time (you all here!).  I told him that if his magazine really wanted
to be baby friendly, they would stop accepting $$ from the ABM companies and
get their BF info correct.  I gave him a brief history of the crappy things
the ABM companies do (especially in 3rd world countries).  I told him that in
all good consience, I could not buy a magazine that helped to contribute to
the misinforming of parents and the deliberate attempts by ABM companies to
make money by increasing the risks of illness and death in children.  He
quickly said they'd send me a refund and cancel my subscription.
I don't think he liked me very much!  :D  <tee hee!>