On Mon, 19 Feb 1996, Vince Coppola wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Feb 1996, Roy Nettlebeck wrote:
> >  This is starting to sound good folks. The mountain is tall but with many
> > the task will be completed.The Experts will tell you of the problems and
> It's the height of the mountain I am concerned with. Mike and I have
> spent the past 3 yrs crash learning queen breeding, spent an enormous
> amout of money (for us anyway) and are just now starting to reap benefits.
> The object of our program is tracheal mite resistance. The only reason we
> have been able to make the progress we have is because there are not too
> many genes involved with what we are selecting for.
> Now I've been reading all I can about varroa resistance. There are many
> more characteristics  (more genes to select for) needed to accomplish
> that goal. That means many more tests, many more selections will be needed.
> And its not just one or two super queens that we need. To establish a program
> that would have an impact on how we keep bees, 30-50 lines need to be
> identified.
> I cannot imagine how an individual or even a large queen producer could
> fund such a project. How can it be funded? Can we find enough competant
> queen producers, researchers, and supporting beekeepers that are willing
> to work together? Wish I had some good ideas.
 Vince, You have brought up some very good points. We can not expect the
beekeepers to pay for the research directly.We need to use there
knowledge as beekeepers to keep some bees and evaluate them for the
project. I'm just putting out some ideas and I know in the end that with
positive brain storming we can help the researchers. Sue Cobey is working
with some breeders in California on the New World Carniolan project. It
takes money and that is a problem if you don't have the resolve to get
it. All beekeepers that love Honeybees need to be together and show the
real value of beekeeping. I had some people telling me how much money all
these beekeepers were getting as hand outs. My answer was,you take that
so called hand out money in one hand and let the beekeepers stay home
with there bees for one year and see how much that will cost you. No more
almonds..The money can be had it just depends on how much varroa  and T
mite costs and when Apistan will not work.We should not put chemicals in
our hives! Promote that and I bet we would get plenty of help. I know, I
sell an 8 oz. hex jar of high mountain fireweed honey for $ 4.00 each.The
Dr.s will ask if I'm using any antibiotics.I will run 12 to 20 hives that
are new and clean each year.
 We have beekeepers that are all over the spectrum of work in this
world.We need to want to win and have it so someone can have a hive of
bees in there back yard and not worry how many chemicals they have to put
in them to keep them alive. Over time nature will do that anyway. I just
want to help speed up the process. Breeding takes time.The more we have
working together the faster we get to the finish line.
We need help and input. I will see how high the mountain will be to get
some money.We have to know how big of a bee to put on the table. Best Wishes
Roy                   TEAMS WIN