To Tineke,

I have learned the following about teaching BF to teens:
        Teens have very short attention spans.  15 minutes and then you lose
them. They won't ask questions.
        Teens will not volunteer that they want to breastfeed.  They don't
want their peers to know because they may be ridiculed.
        The teacher must make it fun.  Play stupid games.
        Make sure you tell them what's in it for them.  They are most
interested in the advantages to themselves.
        Stick around after class.  That's when the interested ones will
tentatively approach you with more questions.
        Teens think BF will be embarrassing.  Show them that they can learn
to nurse discreetly.
        Don't judge them.  Accept them.  They are in enough trouble at home.
Be a friend.  Realize they probably won't get ANY BF support at home.
        Give them stuff (like pumps, slings, books, etc.)  They love "things."

Pam Wiggins, IBCLC, Franklin, VA.