Hi all. I am posting this for your information. Please respond as you see
fit. Kathleen

Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo, founders of Growing Families
International, have written two parenting programs called "Preparation for
Parenting" and "Babywise".  ("Babywise" was co-authored by Dr. Robert
Bucknam.)   Increasingly of late, these programs are being engulfed in a
swirl of controversy wherever they turn up. Even normally tranquil church
congregations find themselves embroiled, with some leaders and parents
embracing one side, some the other, and many left unsure as they examine
fundamental questions regarding parental roles in a Biblical light. And while
many are convinced that the Ezzos teach a truly Bible-based approach to
parenting, others have voiced serious doubts and concerns.

With the publication of "Babywise" (a nonsectarian version of "Preparation
for Parenting") the controversy has moved outside the walls of the church.
 These programs advocate, among other things, "parent-controlled feeding" as
opposed to demand feeding.  The Ezzos and other spokespeople for GFI claim
that a growing number of doctors, hospitals and lactation consultants are
using, endorsing and distributing their materials.  Other lactation
consultants and health professionals, however,  have done the opposite,
sounding an alarm against the programs.

We need your help:  It is one thing to read the Ezzos' materials and to read
the writings of their detractors.  However, that only gives part of the
picture.  We have decided to turn to the real experts--the parents themselves
and the lactation professionals who work with those parents.  We are
conducting a survey (actually two surveys) that are seeking experiences and
opinions regarding "Preparation for Parenting" and "Babywise".

Please indicate which survey you want, by indicating in the subject line

Yes, I've followed the Ezzos' programs
No, but I've still got an opinion

Request your survey via email from [log in to unmask]

We would appreciate if lactation professionals who have worked with
Prep/Babywise parents would indicate so in the comments portion of the

Who we are:  We represent a parent-based research project conducting a survey
of the Growing Families Int. curricula.  At this point we do not wish to
identify ourselves any further than that, lest we bias the survey in any way.
 Thank you for your understanding and your input.
