Years ago (at least 7 because it was in my pre-motherhood days), I caught an
Oprah show in a bar in an airport while waiting for a flight (the only time
I've ever watched her show).  It was on becoming a parent, or parenting
small children or something like that.  There was couple who had three
children: 3YO, 2YO and 1YO.  The mother announced that she had breastfed
right through her second and third pregnancies, and the audience cheered.  I
can also recall her talking about how her first child would never take a
bottle or pacifier, could spit them across the room.  The second was more
willing and the third would take anything they offered.  She shrugged her
shoulders and commented, "Kids are different, you just work with them."

Just a sign that BF, and paying attention to your children's cues, was
treated positively on Oprah that long ago.

Margaret K.K. Radcliffe ([log in to unmask])
Mining & Minerals Engr, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA