On feb 7, Kerry Clark wrote:
>   One thing the pannel could not comment on: is there a difference in bees
>   winter success on plastic vs wax foundation (everyone on the panel
>   wintered their bees in the warm south). There was a comment about
>   plastic not conducting heat as well as wax (meant as a criticism of
>   plastic, though it seems it should be an advantage) but no one had a
>   strong opinion. What has been your experience, Allen, Jean-Pierre?
The suitability of plastic frames for wintering is an issue that has been
raised by some  beekeepers (non-users).  Personnally I have not really
tested them yet.  I have seen pictures though of beautiful strong colonies,
all on plastic, in a Alberta wintering yard with plenty of snow surrounding
them.  Plastic frames are a new thing in my area.  I was the first to
introduce them in Quebec two years ago.  So nobody really has a good
experience with them.
Last year I had only a few plactic frames scattered in the brood chambers of
my wintered colonies.  This winter most of the 110 colonies that were
wintered outdoors have only plastic frames in their second super.  Next year
probably quite a few colonies will winter outdoors completely on plastic.
So fairly soon, I should be able to comment on the suitability of plastic
frames for wintering.
Jean-Pierre Chapleau
eleveur de reines / queen breeder
1282, rang 8, Saint-Adrien de Ham, Quebec, Canada, J0A 1C0
tel./phone (819) 828-3396; fax (819) 828-0357
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