Greeting to everyone:
        I have recently joined this news group and am looking forward to the
posts, and hearing from other bee enthusiasts.  I currently have two hives
which I set up last May.  Last fall was my first harvest, and although it
wasn't real productive, it was very satisfying and enjoyable.  I managed to
harvest just over two gallons of honey, and still left a full, full-size
super on each hive for the winter.  Since this is my first season with
established hives, I am looking for any and all advise on getting started up
again for the season.  I have three medium supers that have already been
drawn out from last year.  I am considering trying one hive with comb honey
and the other with extracted honey.  Suggestions?
        I also built my own extractor for about $50 and have the plans for
anyone interested.