Into the bees today here in the Lone Star State where
it hit 75 deg F today and gona *bee* 80 deg F tomorrow.
Apistan in; entrance reducers out and Fire Ants starting
their mounds.  Still lots of honey in the hives.  We'll
have a couple more days of some chilly weather but for the
most part: winter is over!
Hives are FULL of bees and some patches of brood have begun
developing.  I'll be putting on some supers of foundation
and pollen traps in a week or two.  We are about one month
away from the beginning of the prime swarmming season.  It
usually lasts about six weeks here in north Tejas.
I averaged about 100 pounds of honey per hive last year and
extracted once in the fall (first of September).  Good luck
everbody and wish you a bountiful harvest this year!
Dallas, Texas