Howdy Mike,
>What I wrote is not propaganda, its the truth.  And for me to say "propolis
>is good for you" is not misleading.  I'm not quite sure what I said to
>warrant such a rebuttle as what you wrote me.  Maybe I didn't say everything
>just right, but I'm "common-folk"; not a doctor or scientist.
Compadre, my apologies if you took offence at anything I said-- thought
the smiley next to propoganda in the subject line would indicate that I
was using the term as much because it sounded good to my humble ear ;-) as
to indicate that your enthusiasm for propolis might deserve to be toned
down a notch or two.  And, hey, scientists and doctors are just common
folks who've been fortunate enough to spend time studying something they
like at some university happy to take their dough ;-) (Doctors and
scientists please flame me directly ;-)
         '\  /`
           \/\                      Conrad Berube
  ____  /`\  \\                     ISLAND CROP MANAGEMENT
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