Marsha et al,

Isn't it incredible when something you "think" has been validated???  I'm so
excited!  (Then, of course, there is always the possibility that this wasn't
an original thought with me, but that I did read it somewhere.  Oh well!

Our hospital uses only Ringer's Lactate as the IV fluid of choice....and
since many of the moms get epidurals....and lots and lots of IV
fluids....then, hmmm -- does no one wonder what the problem may be if a baby
"loses" a tremendous amount of weight in the first 24 hours?  Nope -- they
blame the bf and start supplementing.

Thanks Marsha for your input....

>The review article also mentioned that when large amounts of lactated
>ringer's solution is used, there is an increased possibility of large fluid
>shifts from mom to baby.

Jan B (who is feeling exceptionally on top of the world today because her
daughter found out yesterday that she is accepted to the college of her
choice -- the only one to which she applied!  One more stress out of the