Hi,my name is Marie-Josee Santerre and I am a leader and an AAPL. I live in=
Quebec, Canada. My first language is french so please excuse me if my=20
english is not so good. I have 3 children (5,3 and 18 month).

I would like to ask for your help in a subjet that seems not documented. I=
had two questions recently about spina-bifida. One of them was from a leader=
to wich a mother ask infomation about breastfeeeding an infant with=20

The other was from a leader who was supporting a mother who was actualy=20
breasfeeding a baby who has a spina-bifida. This case is more complicated=20
because the baby also has hydrocephalia and he's blind. The baby has a=20
drainage tube in his brain,but the liquide doesn't seem to flow out. That=20
causes brain pressure. The baby is 11 montht and weights 15 pounds, he has a=
low tonus. Becaus the mother is also breasfeeding her older boy, her milk=20
volume is ok. This tandem nursing seems to have help the baby gainning ok.=
The baby only took antibiotique once, in prevention of his old brother=20
infection. This baby can't eat any solid because he chokes on them. For how=
long can he thrive only on his mother milk only?

I would appreciate any information you have on breasfeeding and=

Thank you.

Daniel Lacroix
Marie-Jos=E9e Santerre