Hi all,

I think Jeanette Panchula's suggestion that there are far too many visitors
is extremely relevant.  When I worked in a hospital setting (county run
hospital in Fla. with 100% medicaid patients, but closed down in 1995) this
was a huge problem.  There was unlimited visiting all day long and many
times when I was trying to help a mother, the visitors would want to hang
around and offer little suggestions, negative opinions, etc. I didn't mind
when the father and/or mother or mil was there.  It was a great time to
teach them, but all the other well-meaning friends, neighbors, co-workers
were a pain.  Can't tell you how many times I heard a visitor tell the new
mother, "I tried to breastfeed, but I just didn't have enough milk."  (I
sure met a lot of those ubiquitous 5 percenters.)

New mothers need privacy and TLC (preferably from the baby's father or her
own mother.)
I love this forum.

Pam Wiggins, IBCLC, Franklin Va., snowed in and enjoying peace and privacy
with my hubby and 2 sons. (No one "drops in" during a snowstorm!)