If you believe that the clients are recieving poor customer service at the
local WIC clinic please complain to the project coordinator. Stress these
points 1.) A client should not find the experience demeaning2.) the
nutrition counseling should involve the client in making  a change that is
compatable to her cultural background, economic and living situation. 3.)
WIC is there to serve the client.
     I work in a very busy clinic and I have a managed case load of 1100
clients ,but I try to serve each client in a way that respects their dignity
and self worth as a person. It is not always easy, but I try my hardest.
I once again invite WIC's critics  to volunteer, we need all the help
because we work on tight budgets and high caseloads. It is not as easy as it
Pat Gorman CLE    [log in to unmask]