WIC again? WE are not the enemy!
To paraphase a famous prophet " you without sin cast the first stone".  Are
all hospitals that are not baby friendly  just a distribution  center for
ABM and the companies's propaganda?  How about the pushy LC who touches the
mother without permission leaving the woman feeling violated or handles the
baby roughly . Let's not let LLL off the hook , how about the LLL leader who
leaves the mother feeling like she isn't a good enough mother because she
wants to supplement for her  own convenience. The list goes on these are
comments from my clients they are not made up. I work as a certified
lactation educator at a WIC clinic in Oregon and I am striving to work in
cooperation with the hospital and LLL to provide the best possible service
to my clients.  I know that WIC is not perfect but  are our critics perfect?
From the stories I hear from my clients, I don't think so.
    I believe it is time to lobby the people who can make the changes.  Is
there a strong bf lobby in Wshington D.C.? In the state capitals?  The govt
will only change when the people come together and demand real changes. It
is time for the finger pointing to stop and the creation of strong
coalitions  to promote and protect bf  to begin!
Pat Gorman CLE    [log in to unmask]