Hello Again-from the great cold midwest(right now the temp is -3 brrrr)

Just wanted to put my .02 worth in about Breastfeeding at conferences.
I almost always take my daughter, Abigail, with me.  She is 2 1/2 yrs.
old and she has Cerebral Palsy.  She still gets up at least 2 times
during the night.  Even though dad does his best, she still prefers me
for comfort.

Last year I attended a mother's conference in Bloomington, IL. called
Hearts at Home.  Their policy is to allow for nursing mothers up to I
believe it's 6-9 months.  Even though my daughter's small for her
age(she's just now hitting 20 lbs.) I had several moms ask how old she
was.  When I told them she was 18 months several moms were put off until
I explained she also had CP.  Then they kind of got quiet.

I take Abby pretty much everywhere with me and haven't really had too
many problems.  If she starts to get fussy I always offer her the breast
first:  If this isn't what she wants I usually walk with her to the back
of the room.  I get so many comments on how good she is during the
speakers not bad comments.

I can understand if the children are more rambunctious(sp) than Abby who
is content being held, how it can interfere with professional
conferences and I hope mothers would be courteous enough to take care of
their children for the benefit of all.

Anyway, my fingers are freezing(our 100 yr. old house felt great when we
moved in this fall) so I'll sign off for now.

             Julie Miller, BC          [log in to unmask]