Jay Nemrow,
I do not feel that WIC is "the enemy". Please don't feel that you are
unwelcome here. Many WIC clients, breastfeeding or not, report feeling being
treated as though they are stupid simply because they are WIC clients.
Bureaucracies (though not necessarily individual staff members) often make
people feel this way because "one size fits all" information is given to
everyone. People often do not feel that their individual needs are being met
- especially in larger cities. No one likes to be told how to eat and live
their lives by (real or perceived) authority figures in large government
agencies. I am sure that WIC personel often do not realize how they are
turning people off. These perceptions of WIC may or may not be deserved at
the local level. I have seen huge differences in individuals and offices.

I agree that WIC offices are a great place to start advocating breastfeeding.
I am planning to start a LLL group at a local WIC office and eventually a
peer councelling program. This specific office has welcomed us with open
arms. I don't feel that the WIC staff is against these efforts or
unsupportive of breastfeeding. I am concerned that our efforts will be lumped
in with the general perception of WIC having a "we know what is best for you"
attitude. Woman to woman support does not work the same way that WIC does.
Peer councelling (LLL or otherwise) must be between equals to be effectve.
Trying to get this group off the ground will take more energy than I
currently have.

Thank you for your work at WIC. I know how hard it can be. You are certainly
not considered "the enemy" or an outcast by me.

Marie of WI LLLL & MOM