I have to agree with Norma that using the male model of strict separation of
work and home is very hypocritical in the area of breastfeeding advocacy. It
 is reaffirming the notion that breastmilk feeding and not the relationship
involved with maintaining breastfeeding that is important. I have also had to
postpone going several non-LLL conferences and meetings because I have been
nursing for the last 5 years. Those of you who are not familiar with LLL may
be surprised to learn that babies and children are welcome at LLL
conferences. It works out quite well. Mothers of children are considerate of
speakers and make sure that children are not disruptive. There are
philosophical and practical  reasons to object to the practise of barring
children (especially those who are breastfeeding) from conferences that
should be supporting the normalization of breastfeeding. Some of the most
passionate and knowledgeable advocates of breastfeeding are effectively
barred from these conferences if the practise what they preach.

Marie of WI LLLL & WI